When we're on the move with our kids, we try to minimize the number of items we need to carry with us. One helpful way to do this is by 'hacking' your car seat onto your stroller, which you can do with a StrollerHack Pack. Designed for the Cosco Scenera NEXT or Urban Kanga, Taxi Baby's StrollerHack Pack allows you to strap your car seat onto your stroller.
The Cosco Scenera NEXT is simply a smarter car seat – designed for families who know what they need. It keeps kids safer with Side Impact Protection built into the headrest, and a 5-point harness that adjusts easily from the front of the seat.
Below are tried-and-tested (unless stated otherwise) Cosco Scenera NEXT strollerhacks, separated by brand.
Cosco Scenera NEXT + Aprica
Cosco Scenera NEXT + Baby Jogger City Mini
Cosco Scenera NEXT + Baby Jogger City Mini Zip
Cosco Scenera NEXT + Baby Jogger City Select
Cosco Scenera NEXT + Babyzen Yoyo
This one is great for short distances and heavy kids. Wrap the Cosco's shoulder strap around the handle of the Yoyo and secure it with the Cosco's locking clip. The strap/clip will stop the Cosco from tipping forward, while your child's weight will keep the Cosco firmly in the Yoyo's stroller seat.
Although the Cosco Scenera NEXT and Babyzen Yoyo are not officially compatible, there are a number of secure ways to 'hack' your Cosco Scenera NEXT to your Babyzen Yoyo or Kiddopotamus Yoya travel stroller.
We've used a luggage strap to secure the Cosco car seat to the stroller. This mimics the universal car seat adapter mechanism from the Mountain Buggy nano (which is a strap).
When used with the Cosco forward facing, you can either pass the luggage strap through the seat belt path of the Cosco, or over the top of the Cosco - we've included photos of both. If you unhook one side of the Yoyo's sun canopy, the canopy will fit over the Cosco.
If you have a very long luggage strap, as we did in these photos, you may need to shorten the luggage strap for certain configurations - we used a spare locking clip.
Here's a video showing some examples. Alternatively, you may refer to this video where Elise demonstrates (with a Mountain Buggy Nano) this particular hack:
The Cosco can be installed rear facing (parent facing) on the Yoyo, which is great for young babies. You can either pass the luggage strap through the rear facing belt path of the Cosco (as shown in the photos below), or pass the strap under the stroller chassis and secure the strap over the top of the car seat.
If you have a very long luggage strap, as we did in these photos, you may need to shorten the luggage strap - we used a spare locking clip.
This is the diaper bag stroller clip. It is meant to be attached to the top tether storage point.
If your child is sleeping and has no need for the Cosco, you can hang it by the side of your stroller. This will grant you a greater degree of convenience and flexibility.
Cosco Scenera NEXT + Britax B-Agile
Cosco Scenera NEXT + Bugaboo Bee
The Cosco isn't officially compatible with the Bugaboo Bee, but parents have come up with a number of ingenious 'hacks'.
OPTION 1 is by far the easiest - simply take the Bee's seat off completely and the Cosco magically fits in the frame, hand-in-glove. Parents tell us it's quite sturdy but they do take a regular sized luggage strap in their diaper bag in case they have rugged terrain to explore.
OPTION 2 is using the Bee's Chicco adapter. The Cosco doesn't sit as deep in this frame adapter as it does in others, so if you're going over bumpy terrain you may want to add a luggage strap for security. This option allows you to keep the Bee's seat in place.
OPTION 3 is one of the original Bee hacks with a luggage strap. The stroller seat is forward facing.
OPTION 4 - If the Bee seat is rear facing, you can nestle the Cosco between the seat and the handle - here's a photo of the Bee, then a few close-ups and a video of the Chameleon to demonstrate:
Here are some close-ups (note - these are a Cameleon, not a Bee)!
OPTION 5 is to sling the Cosco (using a shoulder strap) over the Bee's handlebars. Might not be a great option for parents with a long stride, but could work for slow strolling.
OPTION 6 - And we've left the strangest for last. The Bee's basket is the perfect size and shape to securely wedge the Cosco into it, if the Bee's seat is rear facing. Looks like you're driving a stretch limo, but it works :-).
Cosco Scenera NEXT + Bugaboo Buffalo
Cosco Scenera NEXT + Bugaboo Chameleon
We haven't tried this ourselves so we aren't sure how stable it is - if you have this car seat/stroller combo, ensure that your set up is secure before walking out the door!
Cosco Scenera NEXT + Carry-on roller suitcase
This one is from Sharon (thank you!) - "Fits a cabin-sized luggage beautifully!"
Cosco Scenera NEXT + Combi Mechacal Handy 4
Cosco Scenera NEXT + Combi Urban Walker Lite
Cosco Scenera NEXT + Egg Stroller
Cosco Scenera NEXT + Elenire Wings S
Cosco Scenera NEXT + GB Qbit
Since the time we tried this, we've learned that it's safer in that it's more stable to route the luggage strap around from behind the stroller rather than under it - this better prevents the car seat from tipping forward if your child reaches outwards from the car seat.
Cosco Scenera NEXT + Grace Classic Connect
Cosco Scenera NEXT + Graco Citilight
Cosco Scenera NEXT + Graco Comfy Cruiser
Cosco Scenera NEXT + Graco SnugRide Elite
Cosco Scenera NEXT + Gubi Ligero
Forward facing
Rear facing
Cosco Scenera NEXT + iCandy
Cosco Scenera NEXT + Joie Litetrax
Cosco Scenera NEXT + Lesbesbes
Cosco Scenera NEXT + Maclaren
In this video, Elise puts the luggage strap underneath the stroller and though the rear facing belt path of the Cosco car seat. Click below to watch it!
Here are some photos of what that looks like:
While this method still works, we have since evolved! We now think it works better putting the luggage strap in from BEHIND the stroller and through the Cosco's forward facing belt path.
We hope to bring you some photos of that soon, but if you really want to know how that works now, you can send us a message and we'll get our best car seat technician in the house to walk you through it.
Cosco Scenera NEXT + Mountain Buggy nano
We're in love with this pair, because the Cosco Scenera NEXT is approved by the manufacturers of Mountain Buggy to be compatible with the Mountain Buggy nano stroller!
Here's a video Elise made where she demonstrates how the two are secured together:
The Cosco and nano combination is pictured on the left here:
One of our wonderful customers has submitted another creative #strollerhack alternative with their Cosco Scenera NEXTs and Mountain Buggy nano strollers:
They were able to accomplish this simply by using a hook and a key ring:
Look how stable it is even with an empty lower basket and no child in the front! (This was taken on a level surface, so always practice caution.)
Taxi Baby carries both the Cosco Scenera NEXT car seat and Mountain Buggy Nano Stroller in our store.
Cosco Scenera NEXT + Mountain Buggy swift/mini/duet/nano duo

Here's a video demonstrating how you can hack the Cosco Scenera NEXT on a Mountain Buggy swift, mini or duet. The same approach would work for the nano duo with its twin car sear adapter.
Cosco Scenera NEXT + Peg Perego Book
Cosco Scenera NEXT + Prego Sunny
Cosco Scenera NEXT + Quinny stroller
Cosco Scenera NEXT + Quinny Zapp
This is what the Chicco adapter looks like. It can be used to hack your Cosco onto your Quinny stroller, but we haven't tried this ourselves. Other adapters for Chicco car seats from other stroller brands work too.
Cosco Scenera NEXT + Seebaby stroller
Cosco Scenera NEXT + Shoulder strap
This isn't really a StrollerHack, but it's a handy hack for when you need to bring your Cosco around town without a stroller! For more information on the Shoulder Strap, check it out here!
Cosco Scenera NEXT + Silvercross Wayfarer
Your child won't be able to sit in their car seat for this hack, but you it makes taking it around town a lot easier - here the Cosco is tucked into the basket of a Silvercross Wayfarer stroller.
Cosco Scenera NEXT + Snap-N-Go
This combination isn't really a 'hack'. That's because they're an official match! The Cosco Scenera NEXT and Snap-N-Go have been approved to be compatible with each other. Here's how the pair looks when set up:
Rear facing
Forward facing
Cosco Scenera NEXT + Snap-N-Go Double
In this StrollerHack, one Cosco is reclined and the other is more upright:
This amazing hack is for those of you who have 3 kids! Pictured below is a Cosco on a double Snap-N-Go with two other infant car seats.
Cosco Scenera NEXT + Stokke Xplory
Cosco Scenera NEXT + Umbrella stroller
This is a StrollerHack of a Cosco on a 4BABY stroller. It's also a good example of how it'll look for a Cosco on other generic umbrella strollers!
Cosco Scenera NEXT + UPPAbaby Cruz
The Cosco car seat can tuck in the Uppababy Cruz Stroller basket:
Cosco Scenera NEXT + UPPAbaby Minu
One of our wonderful customers has submitted a creative #strollerhack with her Cosco Scenera NEXT and UPPAbaby Minu:
Cosco Scenera NEXT + UPPAbaby Vista
The Cosco fits on the UPPAbaby Vista Stroller adapter both rear facing (parent-facing - great for babies) and forward facing (world facing - great for toddlers)!
Rear facing
The Cosco is most stable when positioned with the rear 'fins' of the car seat wedged into the purpose-designed friction runners on the adapter.
Forward facing
When used forward facing, spin the adapter around so that the back fins of the Cosco are wedged into the friction runners on the adapter.
Most parents find that once their child is buckled into the Cosco, the weight and position of the child make the combination very secure. However, you may prefer to secure the Cosco in place with a luggage strap, passed through the chassis of the stroller frame.
The stroller can be folded with the car seat adapter still attached, and it easily fits into the trunk of a taxi. This video shows you how:
Cosco Scenera NEXT + Valco Snap 4
The Urban Kanga is a great option for parents whose children are ready to travel forward facing. It's lightweight and has a folding feature which makes it very portable and much easier to take around for families that are always on the move. Take a look below at how the Urban Kanga has been hacked onto strollers!
Urban Kanga + Baby Jogger City Mini Zip
Urban Kanga + Baby Jogger City Select
This is the Urban Kanga (in its carry bag) tucked into the basket of a Baby Jogger City Select.
Urban Kanga + Babyzen Yoyo
Urban Kanga + Bugaboo Cameleon
Urban Kanga + Egg Stroller
Urban Kanga + GB Qbit
In this GB Qbit hack, the Urban Kanga (in its carry bag) is tucked into the basket of the stroller.
The Urban Kanga carry bag is great because you can hang your car seat off the stroller handle, too - like this:
Urban Kanga + iCandy
Urban Kanga + UPPAbaby Vista
Travelling with more than one child? Here are some hacks with double strollers and two car seats 'hacked' onto them!